Thursday, May 20, 2010


Crux, the smallest of the traditional 48 constellations, may be the richest in significance. I'll begin with the name and figure, and follow with its astronomical parts.

The four main stars of Crux form a cross. They might just as easily form a kite, but from the beginning were recognized as a cross. This figure was the last letter of the ancient Hebrew alphabet. It had the significance of a mark, sign, or signature. Even today, X replaces a signature for someone unable to write. As we will see, Crux is God's signature. By means of a cross He signed His name Love.

The Hebrew letter Tav also signifies the full extent. Aleph-Tav may be compared to the Greek alpha-omega, the beginning and the end.  God is the Aleph-Tav, the whole thing. "In Him we live and move and have our being, as the Apostle Paul quoted the ancient Greek poet. Nothing exists outside of Him. God also went the full extent to reconcile us to himself.

The Hebrew name for Crux is Adom. It is difficult to select one meaning from the possible roots of this word, but as you will see, all of them point to one signification. These meanings are human being, red, blood, to be mute or silent, to be cut down, to be desolate.

• Daniel prophesied 500 years before Christ that Messiah would be cut off.
• Isaiah prophesied 700 years before Christ that He would be silent as a sheep before its shearers.
• David prophesied 1000 years before Christ, "They pierced my hands and my feet; . . . They divide my garments among them, and for my clothing they cast lots."
• John, a witness of Christ's crucifixion, wrote: "One of the soldiers pierced his side with a spear, and immediately blood and water came out." Messiah was human as well as God. He bled.

These things we can see in the very stars of Crux.

At the right side of Crux—the left side of a figure hanging there—is the red variable star Epsilon Crucis, marking the entrance point of the soldier's spear and the issuing blood and water.

Gacrux marks the top of the cross. This star is a red giant. Think of the sacred head crowned with thorns, the thorns sinking into the scalp as the soldiers beat upon that head.

To the lower left of the cross is the largest dark nebula visible to the naked eye. It's called the Coal Sack. It pictures our load of sin, for "He himself bore our sins in his body on the tree."

A native Australian legend says that the dark spot is the embodiment of evil in the shape of an emu lying in wait at the foot of a tree for a persecuted animal to take refuge in its branches. The Scriptures said that one who hangs on a tree is cursed. Jesus was cursed on our behalf that we might be free.

Beta Crucis marks the left hand of the cross. Its name is Mimosa, which means burdened. Right near it—in the right hand of a figure hanging there—glitters the Jewel Box, NGC4755, a brilliant grouping of red, blue, yellow and white supergiants. There you and I are found, the treasure Messiah died to gain, those whose sins were His burden.

Crux has four beta CMa type variables. These very hot giants pulsate. Their throbbing power reminds us that "the message of the cross is foolishness to those who are perishing, but to us who are being saved it is the power of God" 1 Corinthians 1:18.

I've alluded to a number of resources. Let me know if you want references.

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